Friday, February 19, 2010


Finished up leadership training at the hotel today. It was actually very good. They use a book called "Good to Great" that has some pretty interesting principles. We touched on it, but I am eager to read it fully and see how I might apply it to work and life in general. They fed us a wonderful breakfast and lunch each of the three days of training and I feel like I need to fast for the next week to make up for the overindulgence of this week.

The sun was actually shining here today. What a difference in attitude a little sunshine can make. Everyone seems in a much better mood and happy to see the possible signs of Spring teetering on the horizon. Let's keep our fingers crossed. I'm not sure we can handle any more snow days! Maybe I can actually get the muck cleaned off my car. My pretty new baby isn't so pretty right now. The road salt has covered up her shiny red paint with a dull white film. Yuck! She needs a bath desperately. 

I'm looking forward to having the next couple of days off. I get to spend it with my grand babies, as their parents are chaperoning a youth group trip. Riley wants to play Monopoly favorite. Not really, but she likes it, so we will play. One of the hazards of being la nonna!

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